What am I talking about? SugarWOD of course! And tracking your lifts and your metabolic scores!

It came to my attention recently that some members avoid posting their scores in SugarWOD.  I realize that there are days that I don't see some names on there. But after asking around, I received some interesting feedback.

Some people do not log their SugarWOD scores because they don't believe their score is worthy of posting.  Or their lift is too light.  I will be honest with you, this broke my heart.  

As a CrossFit coach for over 10 years, I honestly try and give the same attention to the strongest athlete in the room, as I do to the newest athlete in the room with a PVC pipe.  Paul and I have also worked hard to teach all of our coaches to do the same.  

Your coaches really do care about your progress in this awesome sport of CrossFit.  We cannot keep our "finger on the pulse" if we cannot see your scores.  Nor can you.  It is crucial that you track your progress, and SugarWOD is the best way to do that.  The thing that makes CrossFit so effective, is that it is MEASURABLE. If you are not constantly tracking the measures, you are going to have a hard time seeing your progress.  Of course you are always going to be fitter, faster, and healthier by just coming to class.  But actually tracking your lifts and your scores, will allow you to examine the past and also open up doors to your future progress. We really do look at your lifts and scores.  How do you think I know what weight to tell you to do every day in the wods? ;)

I do understand that it might be hard to post a very light lift, or a score that you are unhappy with. But these are the most important scores to log. It will allow you to look back and see how far you have come.  Or maybe give you insight on how to change your approach to certain movements in wods.  Not to mention the support you will receive by your peers. Which brings me to the social aspect of SugarWOD.

The social part of SugarWOD might be my favorite thing about it.  The fistbumps are awesome. The GIFS are even better LOL.  As you all know, I am NOT a social media person. But I find myself commenting and posting all kinds of stuff on your scores in SugarWOD.  SugarWOD is brilliant, and I wish I had come up with it.  It has allowed all of the Conquest members to be in one cohesive group and it's so cool to see the 6 am group support the 6 pm group and vice versa.  

Tracking is so important guys.  Log those scores. Every day.  It is a documentary of your CrossFit journey, and it is important to your health and fitness journey, hell, it is CRUCIAL to your life journey.  More today than ever.  

I will end with this.  My old partner Donivan used to tell all the classes how important it is to log your lifts and scores.  He used to tell people about my stacks of old WOD journals, written entries over the past 13 years.  Yes, before SugarWOD, I wrote down every WOD, every day.  I have kept them to this very day and can look up every score to every WOD I have ever done.  It is so cool to look back to 2008 and see my Fran time. If you ever want to see one of my journals, just ask me.  They are floating around everywhere.  

Till next time, make sure to register for the Open, because it's nearly upon us!  Get ready for Friday Night Lights!!!!